[originaltext]M: Excuse me, Helen. Could you make copies of this and hand them

游客2023-07-23  15

M: Excuse me, Helen. Could you make copies of this and hand them out to everyone who’s coming to the meeting this afternoon?
W: Certainly, but I’ll just have to wait until’ the copier has been fixed. It shouldn’t take long.
Q: What is the relationship between the man and the woman?
W: I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to give away the news of your wedding.
M: That’s OK. They would have found out sooner or later. I just wish I could have told them first.
Q: What did the woman do?

选项 A、She told some people about a wedding they were not invited to.
B、She told some people about a wedding before they were supposed to know.
C、She invited some people to the wedding, even though the man didn’t want them to attend.
D、She told some people that she and the man were getting married.

答案 B

解析 此题考查从内容进行推测的能力。在做此题时,考生应该通过the woman所说的your wedding,推断,并不是他们两个结婚,排除D选项,而且,the woman只是泄漏了the man要结婚这样一个消息,并没有提到邀请别人参加的事,因此,C选项可以排除。通过I just wish I could have told them first.一句,可以推断the man并没有不想邀请别人的意思,因此,A选项也可排除。只有 B选项内容与对话内容相符。