[originaltext]W: Hello, Gary. How’re you?M: Fine! And yourself?W: Can’t compl

游客2023-07-22  24

W: Hello, Gary. How’re you?
M: Fine! And yourself?
W: Can’t complain. Did you have time to look at my proposal?
M; No, not really, Can we go over it now?
W: Sure. I’ve been trying to come up with some new production and advertising strategies. First of all, if we want to stay competitive, we need to modernize our factory. New equipment should’ve been installed long ago.
M: How much will that cost?
W: We have several options ranging from the hundred dollars all the way up to half-mil lion.
M: Ok. We’ll have to discuss these costs with finance.
W: We should also consider human resources. I’ve been talking to personnel as well as our staff at the factory.
M: And what’s the picture?
W: We’ll probably have to hire a couple of engineers to help us modernize the factory.
M: What about advertising?
W: Marketing has some interesting ideas for television commercials.
M: TV? Isn’t that a bit too expensive for us? What’s wrong with advertising in the papers, as usual?
W: Quite frankly, it’s just not enough any more. We need to be more aggressive in order to keep ahead of our competitors.
M: We’ll be able to afford all this?
W: I’ll look into it, but I think higher costs will be justified. These investments will result in higher profits for our company.
M: We’ll have to look at the figures more closely. Have finance draw up a budget for these investments.
W: All right. I’ll see to it

选项 A、The benefits of strong business competition.
B、A proposal to lower the cost of production.
C、Complaints about the expense of modernization.
D、Suggestions concerning new business strategies.

答案 D

解析 主旨题。首先我们看对话的引出部分,女士先询问男士是否看了她的提议(proposal)。男士回答说没有,他说Can we go over it now? 其中的it指代的是女士说的proposal。go over的意思是“审查;检查”,由此可以判断接下来他们应该是讨论女士的proposal,而女士的proposal是关于一些生产和广告的新战略(some new production and advertising strategies),在下面的对话中,女士从设备的更新、人力资源管理和广告三个方面提出了她的建议,因此可以判断对话主要内容是围绕女士给公司生产和广告提出的新战略,因此答案选 D。