[originaltext]W: I’m making a list, have we run out of anything?M: Yes, I’ve r

游客2023-07-22  13

W: I’m making a list, have we run out of anything?
M: Yes, I’ve run out of tissues. Could you pick some up for me?
Q: Where are they planning to go?
M: There is someone coming over from the Agricultural University tomorrow to talk about special skills. I heard that he will be giving a cow milking demonstration.
W: Cow milking? That’s great! I’ve always wanted to get my hands dirty.
Q: What does the woman mean?

选项 A、The woman likes cows.
B、The woman never washes her hands.
C、The woman wants to attend the Agricultural University.
D、The woman would like to try some hands-on work.

答案 D

解析 此题考查听细节的能力。解题关键在于理解这里的get one’s hands dirty与try some hands-on work,同义,意指“尝试亲自动手做某事”。