[originaltext]W: I’m making a list, have we run out of anything?M: Yes, I’ve r

游客2023-07-22  13

W: I’m making a list, have we run out of anything?
M: Yes, I’ve run out of tissues. Could you pick some up for me?
Q: Where are they planning to go?
M:I haven’t got enough money. Why are books so expensive? I can’t afford any of them.
W: You should go to the Financial Aid Office; maybe they can give you some advice a bout loans.
Q: What can we find out from this conversation?

选项 A、The man is very rich.
B、He really enjoys buying books.
C、The woman works in the university.
D、That he wants to learn about applying for a loan.

答案 B

解析 此题考查从内容推测的能力。关键点在听到Why are the books so expensive?此句暗指男士因喜欢买书,因此买书花光了钱。