Athletes with a different kind and level of disability are competing at the

游客2023-07-22  20

问题     Athletes with a different kind and level of disability are competing at the Paralympic Games. Whereas some sports are【S1】______to all or most disability groups,  in other sports athletes from only one disability group can participate. In Judo(柔道), for instance, compete only athletes with visual damage. In order to compete on【S2】______terms, athletes are classified into different classes. Specialized medical and technical personnel, called classifiers,【S3】______classification assessment. They are evaluating the athletes with various【S4】______and tests based on their functional ability to perform skills required by the sport. In that way it is【S5】______that the athletes competing within a class have equal or similar functional abilities and the【S6】______factor for their success is skill and training, rather than the level of disability.
    Presently in most sports the functional classification system is used. Functional classification means that all athletes in the same class have similar levels of function in areas such as range motion,【S7】______and balance. According to that system, athletes with different kind of disabilities can compete against each other if they have【S8】______levels of function.
    The classes are【S9】______by a letter, usually the initial letter of the sport, and a number(e.g. S5 in swimming, T44 in athletics-track). The lower number【S10】______represents a higher level of disability.

    A)coordination                                              I)similar
    B)determining                                               J)voluntary
    C)obtained                                                  K)usually
    D)described                                                 L)guaranteed
    E)equal                                                     M)transmission
    F)open                                                      N)isolate
    G)procedures                                                O)decently
    H)perform [br] 【S5】


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