[originaltext]W: What’s the matter with Sue?M: I don’t know. She’s not as talk

游客2023-07-22  12

W: What’s the matter with Sue?
M: I don’t know. She’s not as talkative as before.
Q: What can be inferred about Sue from the conversation?
W: We are going swimming tomorrow. Would you like to join us?
M: I’m afraid I can’t. Recently whenever I get into the pool my right leg aches.
Q: Why can’t the man go swimming?

选项 A、He is afraid of deep water.
B、He has heart trouble.
C、He is too busy.
D、He has leg trouble.

答案 D

解析 事实状况题。男士谢绝女士的游泳邀请后解释说他的右腿疼,leg aches ≈ leg trouble,选项D正确、A、B和选项C提供的理由对话中都未提及。