[originaltext]W: Hello?M: Hello, I’m calling about the apartment that was adve

游客2023-07-21  12

W: Hello?
M: Hello, I’m calling about the apartment that was advertised in the newspaper this morning. Is it still available?
W: There were two, a three-bedroom and a two-bed room. But the larger one has been rented.
M: Oh, that’s Ok. I was only interested in the two-bed room. Can you tell me what it’s like?
W: Well it is quite big and ’has sun most of the day. It’s really good. It also has a kitchen and there’s plenty of closet space.
M: Sounds good. The ad said the rent was 525 dollars a month. Does that include heat and water?
W: No, lodgers have to pay themselves.
M: I see, and what about parking?
W: That’s no problem at all. Each lodger is assigned a particular space, and that space is theirs as long as they stay in the apartment.
M: Great! Given how rents are these days, this seems to be too good to be true.
W: Listen, why don’t you come over tomorrow and see for yourself? Call me, I’ll be in all morning.
M: Fine, see you then.

选项 A、He is unimpressed by what the woman told him.
B、He doubts he can afford it.
C、He doesn’t think it’s suitable for him.
D、He’s enthusiastic about it.

答案 D

解析 观点题。选项中的unimpressed“没有印象”、doubts、doesn’t think和enthusiastic“热情的”提示我们本题考查男士的态度。男士表示Great“太好了”),too good to be true,说明他很满意,最后男士说Fine,see you then.说明他要过去看看。