[originaltext]M: Right, I guess you’ve got some ideas for our product promotion

游客2023-07-21  25

M: Right, I guess you’ve got some ideas for our product promotion.
W: Well, first we must win over the medical circle, so I thought we should launch a campaign in all the specialist medical journals to promote our drugs, antibiotics and so on.
M: Yes, that’s a good idea.
W: Then TV commercials.
M: Just a moment, are you sure we’re allowed to advertise medicines on TV?
W: Oh yes, provided they are not drugs which need a prescription.  You can advertise over-the-counter products.  We can get users of our products to recommend them-- "Their lotion cured my disease in six days. " for example.
M: Now, hold on.  It is forbidden to claim any positive cure for a disease.  And we mustn’t offer any drugs for illness which should be treated by a doctor.
W: Mmm.  OK.  What about this--a series of full page newspaper ads with the message that most doctors consider our products the best.
M: That depends on whether it’s true.
W: Sure it is.  But here is another suggestion.  We could offer to return the purchase price to anyone who’s not satisfied with one of our products.  It’s possible to do that, isn’t it?
M: No, I’m afraid not.  Manufacturers of medical products are not allowed to promise a return of price in their ads.
W: Well, it looks as though I’ll have to come up with something else.  I never realize the regulations were so rigid.
23. What are the two speakers talking about?
24.According to the man, which suggestion of the woman is not possible?
25.From the conversation, what do we know about the woman?

选项 A、What kind of medicine to develop.
B、When to advertise the drugs.
C、How to promote their products.
D、The regulations of medicine advertising.

答案 C

解析 本题为主旨大意题,由于选项中关键词advertising,ads,medicine,drug等出现较多,浏览选项时就应该预测出文章大意。两位说话人自始至终都在讨论如何为各种药品打广告,男士的第一句话概况了本则对话的大意,product promotion的意思是“产品促销”。