Nobel was happy when together with others, and often felt very lonely ______.A、b

游客2023-07-21  14

问题 Nobel was happy when together with others, and often felt very lonely ______.

选项 A、by himself
B、in person
C、in private
D、as individual

答案 A

解析 本题考核介词短语辨析。句意为:与他人在一起时,诺贝尔非常高兴;但独处时他常常感到孤独。选项中:by oneself意为“自己,独自,靠自己”,如:I will finish the work by myself in two days.我会在两天内独自完成这项工作。in person意为“亲自”;in private意为“私下地”;as individual意为“作为个人”。所以选A。