I assume the construction of the new airport ______ at the end of last year.A、mu

游客2023-07-21  14

问题 I assume the construction of the new airport ______ at the end of last year.

选项 A、must complete
B、must be completed
C、must have been completed
D、must have completed

答案 C

解析 我想新机场的建设肯定是去年年底完成的。本题考查情态动词must表示推测的用法,意为“肯定,必定,非常可能”,根据时间标志at the end of last year,本题中must是对过去的情况的推测,后跟have done;又因 complete与construction构成动宾关系,故用被动形式have been done。