Parents who smoke often open a window or turn on a fan to clear the air for

游客2023-07-21  17

问题     Parents who smoke often open a window or turn on a fan to clear the air for their children, but experts now have identified a related threat to children’s health that isn’t as easy to get rid of: third-hand smoke. That’s the term being used to describe the invisible yet poisonous gases and particles clinging (粘着) to smokers’ hair and clothing, not to mention cushions and carpeting, that stays long after second-hand smoke has cleared from a room. The remains include heavy metals and radioactive materials that young children can get on their hands and take into their body, especially if they’re crawling or playing on the floor.
    Doctors from MassGeneral Hospital for Children in Boston coined the term "third-hand smoke" to describe these chemicals in a new study that focused on the risks they pose to infants and children. The study was published in the latest issue of the journal Pediatrics. "Everyone knows that second-hand smoke is bad, but they don’t know about this," said Dr. Jonathan P. Winickoff, the lead author of the study and an assistant professor of pediatrics (儿科) at Harvard Medical School. "When their kids are out of the house, they might smoke. Or in the car, they put the kid in the car seat in the back and crack the window and smoke, and they think it’s OK because the second-hand smoke isn’t getting to their kids. We needed a term to describe these tobacco toxins that aren’t visible."
    The study reported on attitudes toward smoking in 1,500 households across the United States. It found that the vast majority of both smokers and nonsmokers were aware that second-hand smoke is harmful to children. Some 95 percent of nonsmokers and 84 percent of smokers agreed with the statement that "inhaling smoke from a parent’s cigarette can harm the health of infants and children". But far fewer of those surveyed were aware of the risks of third-hand smoke. Since the term is so new, the researchers asked people if they agreed with the statement that "breathing air in a room today where people smoked yesterday can harm the health of infants and children". Only 65 percent of nonsmokers and 43 percent of smokers agreed with that statement, which researchers interpreted as acknowledgement of the risks of third-hand smoke. [br] Why is third-hand smoke especially harmful to young children?

选项 A、They are closer to where toxic chemicals remain.
B、Particles are more likely to cling to their hands.
C、Their immune system is not fully developed.
D、They haven’t formed a good health habit yet.

答案 A

解析 根据题干中的harmful to young children将本题出处定位到首段末句。该句提到,残留物很容易沾在婴幼儿的手上并被吃到嘴里,尤其是当小孩子在地板上爬或玩耍时,即婴幼儿距离这些有毒的残留物更近。[A]中的closer对应首段末句中的young children can get…their body,especially if they’re…floor,故答案为[A]。[B]是对该句中get on their hands所设的干扰项。[C]可能也是原因之一,但在原文中未提及。[D]本身没有错误,但不是婴幼儿容易受“三手烟”危害的原因。