You may have wondered why the supermarkets are all the same. It is not becau

游客2023-07-20  12

问题     You may have wondered why the supermarkets are all the same. It is not because the companies that operate them lack imagination. It is because they are all versed (精通) in the science of persuading people to buy things.
    In the supermarket, it takes a while for the mind to get into a shopping mode. This is why the area immediately inside the entrance is known as the "decompression zone". People need to slow down and look around, even if they are regulars. In sales terms this area is a bit of a loss, so it tends to be used more for promotion.
    Immediately inside the first thing shoppers may come to is the fresh fruit and vegetables section. For shoppers, this makes no sense. Fruit and vegetables can be easily damaged, so they should be bought at the en4, not the beginning, of a shopping trip. But what is at work here? It turns out that selecting good fresh food is an uplifting (振奋的) way to start shopping, and it makes people feel less guilty about reaching for the unhealthy stuff later on.
    Shoppers already know that everyday items, like milk, are invariably placed toward the back of a store to provide more opportunities to tempt customers. But supermarkets know shoppers know this, so they use other tricks, like placing popular items halfway along a section so that people have to walk all along the aisle looking for them. The idea is to boost "dwell time": the length of time people spend in a store.
    Traditionally retailers measure "footfall", as the number of people entering a store! is known, but those numbers say nothing about where people go and how long they spend there. But nowadays, a piece of technology can fill the gap: the mobile phone. Path Intelligence, a British company tracked people’s phones at Gunwharf Quays, a large retail centre in Portsmouth — not by monitoring calls, but by plotting the positions of handsets as they transmit automatically to cellular networks. It found that when dwell time rose 1% sales rose 1.3%.
    Such techniques are increasingly popular because of a deepening understanding about how shoppers make choices. People tell market researchers that they make rational decisions about what to buy, considering things like price, selection or convenience. But subconscious forces, involving emotion and memories, are clearly also at work. [br] According to the passage, "decompression zone" is the area meant to______.

选项 A、encourage shoppers to try new products
B、provide shoppers with discount information
C、prepare shoppers for the mood of buying
D、offer shoppers a place to have a rest

答案 C

解析 根据题干中的decompression zone将本题出处定位到第二段第二句。该句提到,这就是为什么入口区会被称为“减压区”。首句说明原因:在超市里,通常需要一段时间让大脑进八购买商品的状态。由此可知,被称为“减压区”的入口区是让购物者的大脑进入购物状态的区域,故答案为[C],其中的the mood of buying与the mind tb get into a shopping mode对应。[A]是针对该段末句设的干扰项;[B]中的discount information是针对该段末句中的promotion设的干扰项;[D]是根据该段第三句提到的slow down设的干扰项。