[originaltext]W: Would you please tell me how many people use the Internet?M:

游客2023-07-20  27

W: Would you please tell me how many people use the Internet?
M: Close to 100 million in the United States. And that’s increasing daily by tens of thousands. Email and chat are by far the No. 1 and No. 2 uses. E-commerce sites come in third.
W: Are there people who are spending too much time online?
M: Based on my research, about 6 percent of people online are using the Internet too much. Even if we’ve overestimated, we’re talking millions. That’s not that they just stay on for two hours. I’m talking about people losing jobs, having marital problems, experiencing a very significant negative impact on their lives. The average hours the addicted people use Internet is upwards of six to nine hours online a day.
W: Have you ever seen anything like this before?
M: This isn’t a new disease. It’s a new way of expressing the same disease: addiction. People get addicted to lots of things that are pleasurable and intense. The Internet gives you that hit, a temporary high feeling, just like exercise or drugs.
W: Why does the Net have such a large attraction?
M: We don’t know for sure. But people feel closer, quicker, to the people they communicate with online than in real life; time passes freely, and people like the way of unawareness of each other’s real name on the Net.
W: What should people do if they use the Internet too much?
M: One solution is to limit the amount of time they spend online. Have a specific task you are going to do and write that down. Put a clock next to the screen so you can keep track of time. If you find yourself getting over-stimulated by some site, limit your access to it. Ask someone to monitor your use or put the computer in the family room or the living room, where other people can see you.
Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
23. What can we learn from the conversation?
24. Why does the man mention drugs?
25. What does the man suggest to avoid using the Net too much?

选项 A、He hates drugs.
B、Many people take drugs nowadays.
C、He thinks the Internet can make people addicted like drugs.
D、He considers the Internet as drugs leading people to crimes.

答案 C

解析 选项中重复出现的drugs和Internet以及he,thinks,considers表明,本题可能考查He对drugs和Internet的看法。对话中男士提到addiction和just like exercise or drugs,由此可推测,男士认为因特网像毒品一样会使人上瘾,故答案为C)。对话中并没有提到上网会导致人们犯罪,D)属于过度推测,故排除。