Knowledge may be acquired through conversation, watching television or trave

游客2023-07-20  9

问题     Knowledge may be acquired through conversation, watching television or traveling, but the deepest and most【B1】______way is through reading. If we consider the【B2】______population of the world, we may conclude that a few spend their whole lives on academic readings many read something light for【B3】______, and a few dip into something more serious; while many persons never【B4】______beyond the sports page of a newspaper, a fashion article or the【B5】______.
    If you have learnt to love books as a child, the reading habit will never【B6】______ you. But if this has not been your good【B7】______, you tend to think of reading as a bore. A few, but very few, come to the habit late in life. In order to【B8】______ to read, one must be curious. A few children are able to【B9】______. But many fail to do so either because of an over-strict system where what is most important is memory work or because of a careless and lazy one where even the basic discipline are ignored in the sacred name of free expression.
    Thus,【B10】______. And we may add to this the worldwide atmosphere of violence and disorder, the New Dark Age in which we live today. Many of us no longer have the peace of mind necessary to a quiet hour with a book. But【B11】______ [br] 【B7】


答案 fortune

解析 42题之前的系动词be和your good提示所填词为名词。本句为虚拟语气,即如果从句的前提不成立,就会发生主句里与上文或愿望相反的事情。因此,所填词可能表达与bore相反的含义。“fortune”意为“财富,幸运”。