[originaltext]M: Look at all these creams in your bathroom. Do you really expec

游客2023-07-19  15

M: Look at all these creams in your bathroom. Do you really expect these products to make you look young?
W: Don’t make fun of me for that!  Being young in this society is very important and I’d like to be popular.
Q: What can be inferred about the woman?

选项 A、She holds an important position.
B、She likes young people.
C、She expects to look young.
D、She is confident of her looks.

答案 C

解析 弦外之音题。男士说女士浴室里放了很多化妆品,问女士是不是真期望化妆品能使她年轻;女士说相貌年轻在当今社会很重要,她希望自己能受欢迎。言外之意,女士希望自己看起来年轻一些。