Today the writer Hans Christian Andersen is known as a writer of stories for

游客2023-07-19  14

问题     Today the writer Hans Christian Andersen is known as a writer of stories for children. He penned some of the best-loved fairy tales of all time.
    The modern【C1】______of Andersen is of a simple, innocent, child-like spinner of tales. Letters and diaries by Andersen,【C2】______, draw the picture of a very different man: a (an) 【C3】______intelligent, ambitious writer with a miserable past, a love of high society, and a 【C4】______soul. Andersen’s fairy tales【C5】______much more than magical adventures, full of characters【C6】______on Andersen’s own life and from the many worlds he traveled through in his【C7】______life’s journey. Like the ugly duckling, born in a【C8】______duck-yard, Andersen was born the son of a poor cobbler (鞋匠) in the city of Odense. At the age of 14, he left home and Odense【C9】______, traveling alone to Copenhagen to make his fame and【C10】______. Andersen began to write fairy tales at the age of 29, with great excitement. The tales were revolutionary for several reasons. Across Europe, the field of children’s fiction was still in its very early【C11】______and was still【C12】______by dull, religious stories mainly【C13】______to teach moral values.
    Andersen’s【C14】______tales were rich as chocolate cake after a diet of wholesome gruel (稀粥), and the narrative voice spoke familiarly, warmly to children,【C15】______than scolding to them from on high. And unlike the folk tales collected by the Grimms,【C16】______in distant lands once upon a time, Andersen made his tales in Copenhagen and other familiar,【C17】______settings, mixed fantastical descriptions with ordinary ones, and【C18】______everyday household objects with【C19】______and magic. Even the language of the stories was fresh and【C20】______. [br] 【C14】

选项 A、magical

答案 A

解析 形容词辨义题。本句意为“安徒生的童话故事充满魔力,犹如让吃腻了粗茶淡饭的人突然吃到美味的巧克力蛋糕一样”,故magical“魔术的,有魔力的”符合题意。critical“鉴定的,批评的”;conventional“传统的”;controversial“有争议的”,均不符合文意,故排除。