[originaltext]W: What do you think we need to do to get our new branch office r

游客2023-07-19  13

W: What do you think we need to do to get our new branch office running well?
M: First, I’d make sure that we have a good local corporate lawyer. He or she will know all the local laws and regulations.
W: That’s very important. A friend has recommended a good law firm to me. We’ll need someone to hire staff.
M: (22) I think that we should send one of our HR people to do that. I don’t think we should use an agency, because they won’t be familiar with the type of people we employ. Have we decided on the location of the branch office?
W: Yes. We have. We chose the location in the northeast of the city, not too far from the airport and on the edge of the CBD.
M: Why didn’t we choose an office in the CBD?
W: (23) The offices there were too expensive. Have we negotiated any contracts yet?
M: Yes. We’ve signed two contracts with companies that we already do work for in other countries. We hope to sign another three this month.
W: (24) When will the branch office open?
M: (24) Hopefully next month. Everything is a little rushed. We should be able to set up our branch office and expand our business quickly.
W: Has the advertising campaign been prepared?
M: (25) Yes, it has. We’re going to target the business community through business magazine.
W: I made plenty of business contracts on my last visit and through the embassy. We should be able to get plenty of customers.
22. What does the man think of hiring staff?
23. Why didn’t the speakers choose an office in the CBD?
24. What does the man say might happen next month?
25. How will the speakers carry out the advertising?

选项 A、They might open the branch office.
B、They might sign another three contracts.
C、They might work for foreign countries.
D、They might market their new products.

答案 A

解析 题干询问根据男士所说,下个月会发生什么事情。对话中女士问男士分公司何时开始运营,男士说有可能是下个月,故答案为A)。