[originaltext]W: I am a bit fed up with catching the same train every morning,

游客2023-07-19  22

W: I am a bit fed up with catching the same train every morning, sitting in the same office all day, and watching the same television programs.
M: Well, our great-great-grandfathers had more fun, didn’t they? They hunted for their food and grew their own vegetables and did things for themselves.
Q: What does the man mean?
W: Your birthday is coming around. Do you have any plan for the celebration? Do you have a particular restaurant in mind?
M: I’ve been to the western restaurant in three years. I’m thinking about eating in a Chinese restaurant for a change this time.
Q: What does the man imply?

选项 A、He will not celebrate birthday this year.
B、He will not go to a restaurant this year.
C、He will celebrate birthday in a new place.
D、He likes Chinese restaurants more.

答案 C

解析 对话中女士跟男士说他的生日快到了,问他是否已经有了庆祝计划,并闻他是否有中意的餐厅。男士回答说他已经在西餐厅庆祝过3年的生日了,今年他想尝试一下中餐厅,故答案为C)。