[originaltext]W: I am a bit fed up with catching the same train every morning,

游客2023-07-19  21

W: I am a bit fed up with catching the same train every morning, sitting in the same office all day, and watching the same television programs.
M: Well, our great-great-grandfathers had more fun, didn’t they? They hunted for their food and grew their own vegetables and did things for themselves.
Q: What does the man mean?
M: Here’s your lease. Please sign here. We’ll sign one copy and give it to you.
W: Perhaps you could give me a few minutes to read the lease, sir. I’ve never seen a lease before, so I think I should understand its terms before I sign it.
Q: What does the woman want to do?

选项 A、Talk with the man for a few minutes.
B、Sign the lease as soon as possible.
C、Read the lease more carefully.
D、Make some new items in the lease.

答案 C

解析 对话中男士让女士签署租约,并且说他们也会签署一份提供给女士,女士说她希望能够再多些时间看一下租约,因为她之前没有签署过此类文件,故答案为C)。