[originaltext]W: Have you got any outdoor interest?M: Yes. My only recreation

游客2023-07-18  18

W: Have you got any outdoor interest?
M: Yes. My only recreation is skateboarding.
W: Oh, I know it. It is included in extreme sports. I think it’s too dangerous for me.
M: Maybe. But it emphasizes participation and a spirit of courage, and it can give one the extreme sense of cheerfulness and success. I’m getting to like the game more and more.
W: I often see some “new age people” show off their various skills to handle a skateboard, which makes me wonder in awe. I think these people must have undergone much sufferings of flesh in order to ride skillfully.
M: Although it is easy to ride, the condition of the road surface should also be paid attention to. It’s better to be equipped with helmet, eye shades, ankle shield, knee shield and elbow shield.
W: If you go out recently you will find some people riding something just like the skateboard. What’s that?
M: Oh, that’s scooter.
W: It’s also very popular now.
M: Yes. The German engineer would never dreamed that the hand-supported scooter he invented several years ago to solve his traffic problems would become so fashionable within a few years.
W: How to play with it?
M: Your two hands hold the pole, stand on the board, the other foot steps back against the ground and controls well the balance of the body, then you can ride in the air. It has a feeling of surfing.
W: I think it’s less dangerous than the skateboard. I want to have a try.
Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
19. What outdoor activity does the man like?
20. According to the conversation, what makes the woman surprised in awe?
21. Why did the German engineer invent hand-supported scooter several years ago?
22. According to the end of the conversation, what will the woman probably do?

选项 A、Borrow a skateboard.
B、Learn to ride a scooter.
C、Enter a class for surfing.
D、Buy a bicycle.

答案 B

解析 推理题。浏览选项可知,四个选项都是动词短语,可能跟某人要干的事情有关。对话结尾处,男士提到现在踏板车很流行,并且描述了手扶踏板车的玩法,女士觉得手扶滑板车的危险性比较小,从她说的have a try可推测出,她可能会去学习怎样ride a scooter,故答案为B。