For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay entitled Malting

游客2023-07-18  18

问题     For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay entitled Malting Friends Online. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese:


答案     With a wide variety of virtual communication tools springing up like mushrooms, making friends online has become increasingly fashionable over the past decade.
    This channel of communication enables people to get acquainted with cyber friends from anywhere without any limitations, enriching their life experiences and even extending their knowledge. What’s more, it is not rare for some to find their bosom friends and even Mr. /Mrs. Right.
    But as a double-edged sword, making friends without physically meeting each other undoubtedly has evils--tragedies occur when cyber-friends finally decide to date. Not coming singly but in pairs, some spouses get divorced because one party falls in love with cyber-lovers.
    The network renders people convenient and efficient means to get in touch with the rest of the world and we should make good use of it instead of falling victims to it.

解析     这是一篇以分析某现象的利弊为主的说明文。
    第一段用一句话说明了随着各种各样的(a wide variety of)虚拟通信工具如雨后春笋般涌现(springing up like mushrooms),网上交友在过去十年里(over the past decade)变得越来越(increasingly)流行。with引导的名词+doing结构是表示原因的经典用法。
    第二段用What’s more连接了两个好处。其中的亮点词汇有:enable people to get acquainted with“使人们结识……”;enriching experiences“丰富经验”和extending knowledge“拓宽知识面”两个短语用了现在分词作伴随状语;it is not rare表示“并不罕见”,比it is common更有力;bosom friends“知心朋友”;Mr./Mrs. Right“另一半;心上人”。
    第三段话锋一转,利用比喻“就像一把双刃剑(as a double-edged sword)”,引出了坏处。成语Not coming singly but in pairs“无独有偶”的前后讲了两个坏处,恰恰与前一段的两个好处形成对比。
    最后一段简洁地发出呼吁:网络给我们提供了便利、高效的接触外界的手段,我们应该好好利用它,而不应该成为其受害者。亮点词汇有:render, convenient and efficient means, fall victim to。