Ludwig van Beethoven was one of the【B1】______composers whoever lived, tie th

游客2023-07-18  18

问题     Ludwig van Beethoven was one of the【B1】______composers whoever lived, tie thought people  that could be【B2】______when they wrote music. Before his time, music was composed for a special【B3】______Often it was church music. Or, music was written to【B4】______at parties and concerts.
    Beethoven was born iii Germany in 1770. He was a very musical child. The boy learned to play the【B5】______and piano, but he was not happy at home. His mother died when he was in his teens. After that, his father was often drunk and【B6】______. Beethoven became a tutor in a rich family. His student’ s mother was very kind to the young teacher. She helped him meet many famous【B7】______One of them was Mozart. He said, "that boy will give the word something【B8】______listening to".
    When Beethoven was in his twenties, he began to go deal’. The deafness changed his behaviours.【B9】______. His friends found him hard to be around, but he kept composing even when he lost all his hearing.
    Beethoven died when he was 57 years old. He had composed over a hundred pieces.【B10】______【B11】______Many later composers gained new ideas from Beethoven’s music. [br] 【B6】


答案 bad-tempered

解析 从语法结构来看,此空需填形容词作表语,由上文“他十几岁时,他妈妈去世,在那之后,他父亲经常……”可知此处该填上他父亲当时的心情或表现,听出关键词bad-tempered就容易多了。