[audioFiles]audio_eufm_j01_155(200910)[/audioFiles]A、He’ll miss the meeting tha

游客2023-07-17  12


选项 A、He’ll miss the meeting that afternoon.
B、He can’t have an appointment with the host.
C、He won’t miss the meeting.
D、He is a hardworking man.

答案 C

解析 [听力原文]
M: How long will the party last? I’ve got a meeting to attend at 4:00 pm.
W: You’ll be all right. The host will have an appointment at 3:00 pm.
Q: What do we learn about the man?
综合推断题。男士问女士此次聚会要持续多长时间,他四点钟还要去参加一个会议,女士安慰男士说主人三点钟有约会,由此可知,聚会肯定会在三点以前结束,不会影响男士四点开会,所以C正确。   have an appointment(with sb.)意为“(与某人)有约”,如:I have a dental appointment at 3 pm.我下午三点有个牙科的预约。同类词组还有:keep/break an appointment守约/失约。