The restaurant next door serves good food, but the one across the street is much

游客2023-07-17  16

问题 The restaurant next door serves good food, but the one across the street is much better______(就服务而言)


答案 as far as the serviceis concerned

解析 此句译为: 隔壁那家饭店食物很好,但就服务而-言还是街对面那家更好一些。本题考查so/as far as…beconcerned就……而盲,concerned用作形容词解作“有关的”时,是后置定语,大都放在它所修饰的名词之后.例句: The car is fine as far as the engine is concerned but the bodywork needs a lot of attention.(这辆车发动机还不错。但车身需要大修。)