The Asian Economic Crisis Over the last several months,
The Asian Economic Crisis Over the last several months,
The Asian Economic Crisis
Over the last several months, the economic news has been dominated by the crisis in East Asia—uncontrollable fluctuation in stock markets, widespread business and banking failures, and the sharp decline of currencies throughout the region. Americans are concerned when our stock market fluctuates in response, they wonder about our role in responding to the crisis, and they worry about the overall impact of the crisis on the U.S. economy.
What is the Crisis?
The economic trouble in East Asia is largely a banking and investment crisis linked to a collapse of investor confidence. Because East Asian economies are closely tied together, a series of problems—starting with a flawed exchange rate policy in Thailand this past summer—have quickly spilled over into neighboring countries. Five countries have been hit the hardest—Thailand, Indonesia, South Korea, and to a lesser extent, Malaysia and the Philippines—but a total of thirteen countries have been affected. Taken together, these economies comprise approximately a third of the world economy. The sum of money involved make this the largest economic crisis in recent years, far larger than the Latin American debt crisis of the 1980s or the Mexican peso crisis in 1995.
What Caused it?
For several years, Pacific Rim countries were growing rapidly. A huge wave of investment poured into these "Asian tiger" countries, but much of it was invested unwisely. In a word, there was too much of everything: over-investment, overloading, and over-building in ill-conceived real estate and industrial projects; over-saving, diverting the buying power from people; and over-guidance, with too many bureaucrats and government officials deciding which companies receive loans and investment. The region’s successes Obscured banking and financial systems full of mismanagement and corruption. People ignored warning signs in the booming, rapidly changing economy, and overlooked the lack of reliable information and financial system safeguards.
How Serious is the Crisis?
The Asian financial turmoil represents a serious threat to global prosperity. We are clearly at a critical moment for Asia. The outlook today is better than it was a few weeks ago, with most markets showing signs of recovery. Yet we should not be complacent. The problem is that the loss of confidence can be highly contagious. If, for example, Indonesia’s economy collapses, so could other nearby economies, and that could take down markets across the world. In addition, although the crisis has not spread to China, it faces some of the same problems as its neighbors. So clearly the main concern is that the crisis will not worsen and spread.
What is the Impact on the U.S.?
Most experts believe that the current turmoil will have a modest but meaningful impact on the U.S. Our economy is fundamentally strong and should be able to weather the current crisis. Moreover, as a result of our own financial crises in 1929 and in the 1980s, protections have been put in place to prevent most of the problems the East Asian economies are experiencing.
On the negative side, U.S. will likely see its trade deficit grow as changes in exchange rates make imports cheaper and our exports more expensive. Some U.S. companies could see lower profits and some job loss, and wages could be held down. The experts think that U.S. economic growth for 1998 could be cut by up to a point, to around 2%. On the positive side, cheaper imports mean lower prices for consumers and should help keep down inflation in the U.S. In addition, our interest rates are falling, as investors worried about East Asia shift their funds to the U.S. That means, for example, lower home mortgage(抵押) rates for Americans.
A greater fear is that the problems may undermine the political stability of the region and affect U.S. security interests. South Korea and Indonesia, for example, play an enormously important role in maintaining regional stability. Some governments in the region have fallen, and others could fall. In addition, there could be resentment against the United States because of its role in proposing tough solutions for the area’s economy.
What Steps are Being Taken to Deal With the Crisis?
The greatest challenge now facing these economies is to restore investor confidence and financial market credibility. Several steps are needed. First, because the crisis basically involves lending from private financial institutions around the world to private banks and companies in the region, these private lenders are being urged to renegotiate their loans to make it easier for borrowers to repay. Second, all the bad debt that remains hidden needs to be exposed so the full extent of what is needed to fix the problem is known. There has to be more transparency and better oversight of the financial systems of developing countries. Third, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is extending emergency funds to the countries stuck with economic troubles, in exchange for assurances that they will make economic reforms that will help ensure their ability to repay their loans. The U.S. has pressed the IMF to seek tough reforms, and the U.S. and other countries have agreed to provide emergency assistance if IMF money proves inadequate. The IMF is producing results in the region, but its role and accountability are being challenged. Fourth, we need an improved international financial mechanism in which both borrowers and lenders, who may now get through the crisis, will pay a price and be subject to the consequences of their actions and the disciplines of the market. Fifth, Japan clearly needs to stimulate its economy. It has a special responsibility as the dominant economic power in the region to boost its economy in order to absorb more of the exports of its struggling neighbors. Finally, President Clinton needs to speak to the American people and to the world about the financial crisis. He needs to explain why bailouts are needed, how a collapse can harm our security, and how it can be contagious. His economic strategy must be shown to advance his security strategy and America’s interests around the world.
What is the Region’s Long-term Outlook?
Correcting the financial problems discovered in East Asia will take some time, and many difficult steps lie ahead. But the long-term outlook for the region is not discouraging. Countries can still build on the strengths that fueled the "Asian tiger" economies in the first place, including a strong savings rate and a well-educated and motivated workforce. In addition, the crisis is driving Asian leaders to adopt market-oriented reforms of the kind favored by the U.S.—economic systems that are more open, liberalized, deregulated and transparent. Because of the crisis, countries in the world are seeing the advantages of open, accountable governments and financial systems. [br] The Asian Economic Crisis triggered the economic depression in the U.S.
第四个小标题下第一段阐述了这样一个道理:美国因为经历了1929年和 20世纪80年代的经济危机,有能力预防东亚各国正在面临的问题。紧接着的一段中,作者不仅论述了东亚经济危机对美国经济的负面影响,还从正面论述了东亚经济危机对美国经济带来的好处(如降低进口产品价格,从而抑制通货膨胀)。文章并没有提及东亚经济危机导致了美国经济的萧条(depression)。
A. B. C. D.
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