[originaltext]W: Do you know anyone who can translate this document?M: What ab

游客2023-07-16  14

W: Do you know anyone who can translate this document?
M: What about the new secretary? I heard he’s bilingual.
Q: What does the man mean?
W: I’ll be ready in a few minutes. I have to finish up this letter.
M: OK, I’ll go down to the lobby for a paper.
Q: What will the man probably do?

选项 A、Read the newspaper while he waits.
B、Help the woman with her correspondence.
C、Mail the letter from the lobby.
D、Get some stationery for the woman.

答案 A

解析 这是四级听力题中常常考到的判断说话者将要做什么或正在做什么的题型。解答这类题型的关键在于抓住对话当中出现的动词词组。在这道题里,则是:“finish up this letter”(写完这封信)和“go  down to the lobby for a paper”(到休息室里找份报纸看,其中paper是newspaper的简称)。