假如你是李明,写一封求职信,内容包括:1.你对8月18日在21st Century报上所登的招聘外贸经理的广告很感兴趣。2.你是某重点大学一名四年级学生,今

游客2023-07-15  12

问题 假如你是李明,写一封求职信,内容包括:
1.你对8月18日在21st Century报上所登的招聘外贸经理的广告很感兴趣。


答案 Dear Sir or Madam,
    I would like to apply for the position of Foreign Trade Manager you advertised in 21st Century on August) 18. Enclosed are copies of my resume in Chinese and English.
    I know that you are a large state-owned corporation with an annual profit of over RMB20 million, handling various office equipment. With enviable reputation, you enjoy great growth potential and have a fine management system.
    I am a top student with straight A’s, majoring International Trade in this key university. And 1 will graduate this July, With solid trading and computer skills, language abilities (with the certificate of CET-6) and excellent business negotiation capabilities in English, I believe I am well qualified for this post. 1 went to the U. S. as an exchange student when 1 was a sophomore. I enjoy challenges, communications and team work.
    I wish for an interview.
                                                                Sincerely yours,
                                                                 Li Ming (Mr.)
Enclosed: Resume in Chinese and English
