If any man here does not agree with me, he should ______his own plan for improvi

游客2023-07-15  18

问题 If any man here does not agree with me, he should ______his own plan for improving the living conditions of these people.

选项 A、put on
B、put forward
C、put in
D、put out

答案 B

解析 语义连贯题。由题干可知,所填短语能和plan搭配,[B]put forward“提出,提交”,put forward his own plan表示“提出他自己的方案”,符合题干语义,所以[B]为答案。[A]put on“上演;增加”;[C]put a way“放好,收好”;[D]putout“出版;伸出;生产”。