Astrology Astrology is the study of how the
Astrology Astrology is the study of how the
Astrology is the study of how the sun, the moon, planets, and stars are supposedly related to life and events on the earth. It is based on the belief that the heavenly bodies form patterns that can reveal a person’s character or future.
Many people throughout the world believe in astrology. These people base important decisions on the advice of an astrologer (a person who tells fortunes by studying the stars). Other people declare there is no scientific basis for astrology, and they consider it a form of entertainment.
Astrology differs from astronomy. Astrology developed from a set of principles that originated more than 2,000 years ago. At that time, astronomy was also based on those same principles. But during the 1500’s and 1600’s, several astronomers, including Nicolaus Copernicus of Poland and Tycho Brahe of Denmark, made discoveries about the heavenly bodies that conflicted with the principles of astrology. As a result, astrology and astronomy became widely different in their methods and purposes. Today, astrologers observe the heavenly bodies to understand things that happen on the earth. Astronomers seek scientific knowledge about the various objects in space.
Principles of astrology
The basic principle of astrology is that the heavenly bodies influence what happens on the earth. Astrologers learn about this influence by casting (drawing) a circular chart called a horoscope or birth chart. A horoscope shows the position of the planets in relation to both the earth and the stars at a certain time. In most cases, it shows the position of these bodies at the time of a person’s birth.
The system used by astrologers to cast a horoscope is based on a special view of the universe. This view involves four elements (1) the earth, (2) the planets, (3) the zodiac (黄道), and (4) the houses.
The earth. In casting a horoscope, astrologers place the earth at the center of the solar system. Therefore, all heavenly bodies revolve around the earth rather than around the sun. Astrologers use this arrangement to determine the positions of the heavenly bodies in relation to the earth. They believe that the study of the positions of the heavenly bodies can reveal a person’s character and future.
The planets. In astrology, the moon and the sun are considered planets, along with Jupiter, Mars, Neptune, Pluto, Saturn, Uranus, and Venus. Each planet supposedly represents a force that affects people in a certain way. Astrologers believe the planets influence a person more than do any other heavenly bodies.
The zodiac is a band of stars that appear to encircle the earth. It is divided into 12 equal parts, called signs. Each sign of the zodiac has certain characteristics, which are determined by a particular planet and other factors. Astrologers believe the signs determine how the planets affect a person’s character.
The houses. Like the zodiac, the earth’s surface is divided into 12 parts. Each of these parts, called houses, represents certain characteristics of an individual’s life. Astrologers believe the houses determine how the planets and the signs influence a person’s daily life.
Astrology began sometime before 2000 B.C. in Babylonia (now southeastern Iraq). Astrologers of that time knew of five planets—Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, Saturn and Venus. They believed that the sun, the moon, and planets sent out different forces, which had certain characteristics. For example, one of the planets—now known as Mars—appeared to be red. Astrologers linked it with anger, aggression and war.
The zodiac was probably developed in ancient Egypt, and the Babylonians adopted it sometime after 1000 B.C. Astrologers gradually developed a system that linked seasonal changes with specific group of stars called constellations (星座). At that time, for example, heavy rainfall occurred in Babylonia when the sun was in a certain constellation. As a result, astrologers named the constellation Aquarius, the water bearer.
At first, astrologers studied the heavenly bodies in making general predictions about the future. But between 600 B.C. and 200 B.C., they developed the system of casting individual horoscopes (以占星术算命). The ancient Greeks and Romans practiced astrology and greatly influenced its development. The Roman names for the planets and the signs of the zodiac are still used today.
Interest in astrology declined in Europe with the coming of Christianity as people sought guidance from religious leaders rather than from astrologers. Astrology regained popularity during the A.D. 1100’s. By the 1600’s, it was particularly strong in England. Several astrological almanacs (历书) were published, and many other books either defended or attacked astrology. The number of followers of astrology fell in England during the 1700’s, but the subject’s popularity returned again in the early 1800’s. By the late 1800’s and early 1900’s, interest in astrology had spread to many other nations.
Newspapers in England began publishing horoscope columns during the 1930’s. Such columns soon appeared in newspapers throughout the world, and people became increasingly interested in astrology. Today, astrology is followed more widely than ever before.
Astrology today
Many people believe astrology is simply a superstition, and scientists declare that its whole basis is unscientific. Scientists point out that the earth’s position has changed in space since ancient times. As a result, the signs of the zodiac used by astrologers no longer match the constellations for which they were named.
Some people who believe in astrology support it in terms of magnetic fields, solar storms and other natural occurrences. Others, though they also believe in astrology, claim that it cannot be supported scientifically. They consider it a set of powerful symbols that can provide a deep understanding of human beings. They defend astrology by pointing out that, in many cases, it works. [br] Publishing horoscope columns in newspapers helped to make astrology______.
A、a controversial topic in today’s world
B、an important part of the newspaper industry
C、spread across the world widely.
D、a superstition people don’t believe any more
A.蛋白质芯片 B.病毒载量测定 C.抗原检测 D.抗体检测 E.CDT
下列关于证券分析师条件的说法中,错误的是()。A:具备证券从业资格 B:从事证
在设计基于胜任特征的应聘申请表时,应主要参照基于胜任特征撰写的( )。A.岗位
山楂的药理作用不包括()A.降血脂 B.抗心律失常 C.助消化 D.