[originaltext]M: Hello, Prof. Dianna, you wanted to see me?W: Oh, yes, Frank.

游客2023-07-14  37

M: Hello, Prof. Dianna, you wanted to see me?
W: Oh, yes, Frank. Thanks for coming. It’s about your work as a teaching assistant. I’ve just read your evaluations, the ones the students filled out toward the end of the semester.
M: Yes... ? Well, how were they?
W: Would you like to take a look? Out of a possible score of five, you got a four-point-eight. That’s very high, Frank.
M: Well, what a pleasant surprise.
W: When we see such a high score, we generally try to keep the Teaching Assistant on a little longer and perhaps even ask them to cover more classes. What do you say, Frank? Would you like this?
M: I sure would, but I don’t know if I can. Next fall will be my last semester of coursework for my master’s and I’ll be very busy doing re search on my thesis. Could I have a few days to think about it?
W: Certainly, I wouldn’t want you to fall behind in your course-work, but I do think you should consider getting more experience in the class- room. You seem to have a real gift.
M: Thanks for your praise, Professor.
W: Let me know by the beginning of next week, will you?
M: Sure thing. I’ll drop by again on Monday or Tuesday.

选项 A、Frank’s talent for teaching.
B、Frank’s interesting approach to research.
C、A present he received for graduation.
D、A congratulatory letter from the department.

答案 A

解析 What is the gift the professor refers to?
推理题。女士赞扬男士You seem to have a real gift,gift一般有两个意思,即礼物(present)和天赋 (talent)。整个对话中,女士对男士的能力赞赏有加,不难看出gift表示talent的意思。