[originaltext]W: Sometimes I really have a good mind to give up my job. I feel

游客2023-07-13  19

W: Sometimes I really have a good mind to give up my job. I feel my boss always finds fault with me since I treaded on his toes by accident.
M: Don’t think like that. Tom is not a narrow-minded person.
Q: What does the man say about the woman’s boss?
M: I don’t remember the ceiling being this high. I had the impression that it was about 3 meters.
W: So did I. But it’ll be perfect once we get the furniture in.
Q: What are the speakers talking about?

选项 A、The yard of their old house.
B、The room they are going to move into.
C、The quality of the furniture they bought.
D、The feeling they have of their neighborhood.

答案 B

解析 对话中男士说他不记得天花板有那么高,他印象中大概是三米,女士听后说她印象中也是如此,然后用转折提到等他们把家具搬进来就很完美了。由此可推断出,说话双方在谈论他们即将入住的房子,故答案为[B]。