[originaltext]W:Are you going to come with us to football match this evening?M

游客2023-07-13  14

W:Are you going to come with us to football match this evening?
M:I’d love to.But my history assignment is due tomorrow,and I still have two chapters unfinished.
Q:What will the man probably do this evening?
W:These days of taking medicine for this cold hasn’t resulted in any improvement at all.
M:We always think we should take something. But whether it does any good is another matter.
Q:How does the man feel about taking medicine for a cold?

选项 A、He is optimistic about final cures.
B、He is confident that will help.
C、He is doubtful that it helps.
D、He is pessimistic about modem medicine.

答案 C

解析 观点态度题。女士说她吃了很多大的感冒药没有任何效果。男士表明自己的观点:人们都认为应该吃药,但是否有效则是另外一回事。由此可知,他怀疑药物是否有帮助。