According to the passage, how does information get transferred to the STM? [br]

游客2023-07-12  19

问题 According to the passage, how does information get transferred to the STM? [br] The author believes that rote rehearsal is ______.

选项 A、the best way to remember something
B、more efficient than chunking
C、ineffective in the long run
D、an unnecessary interruption

答案 C

解析 由题干中的rote rehearsal定位到原文末段倒数第三句Therefore,rote rehearsal is not an efficient way to pass information from the short term to long term memory.[精析] 题干问的是作者对rote rehearsal的看法。由原文定位句可知,机械复诵并非是把信息由暂时记忆转化为长期记忆的有效方法,中途有打断情况出现的话,记忆就会失去。因此C)“长期来看并非有效”与之吻合,其中ineffective为原文not an efficient的同义转述。[排除干扰] A)、B)两项根据原文很容易排除;中途打断会影响机械复诵,D)项所述不符逻辑。