[originaltext]W: I know you and Jane used to do eveiything together. I thought

游客2023-07-12  18

W: I know you and Jane used to do eveiything together. I thought you really enjoyed each other’s company.
M: We did, but since she started her new job, all she does is hang out with her new friends from work.
Q: What does the man mean?
W: It certainly was a great party, but it’s a pity that a glass and a plate got broken and someone spilled a drink over there.
M: I expected that something might get broken. That doesn’t bother me. That spilled drink won’t leave a stain, will it?
Q: What does the man think about the spilled drink?

选项 A、It will leave a stain.
B、It spoiled the party.
C、It doesn’t matter.
D、It made something broken.

答案 C

解析 对话中女士说那是一个很好的派对,只是很遗憾有人弄洒了饮料,男士说他预料到会有东西被弄坏,这对他没有太大的影响,毕竟洒了的饮料不会留下污点,故答案为C)。