Australians are very direct people and usually【C1】______what they say. When

游客2023-07-12  13

问题     Australians are very direct people and usually【C1】______what they say. When they issue an invitation to somebody they【C2】______polite and if that person accepts the invitation, he is expected to【C3】______. In some cultures it is not polite to say no. This is not the case in Australia.【C4】______if a person is invited to do something and is unable to do it, a "no" answer【C5】______be given; otherwise the person who has issued the invitation will be greatly【C6】______
    Punctuality is also【C7】______when an invitation is accepted. If a person is invited【C8】______at a particular place at a specified time,【C9】______if there is a meal【C10】______, that person is expected to arrive on time. One of the【C11】______for this is that western type Australian food, such as a roast dinner, must be【C12】______and eaten as soon as it is cooked, and if a person arrives late the food will be【C13】______
    Australians【C14】______issue  informal invitations.  They will give a person their name, address and telephone number and【C15】______, "why don’ t you come and see me【C16】______when you are free?" This is not just a polite gesture, it is a【C17】______invitation and the Australian who has issued the invitation will be disappointed and even offended if that person does not【C18】______them.  However, because Australians live in a【C19】______society, they are not always at home and it is always best to telephone them to make sure they will be at home【C20】______making a visit. [br] 【C15】

选项 A、speak

答案 C

解析 say为及物动词,侧重说话的内容;speak 是不及物动词,强调说话的动作;express也是及物动词,泛指表达思想感情;ask为及物动词,侧重提出问题并期待答案。该题的语境虽为疑问句,但答案为[C]say,而不是[B] ask,依据在于该疑问句功能实际是向对方发出邀请,并非询问对方不来拜访的理由。