New research finds that nearly 5,200 kids are treated in an emergency depart

游客2023-07-11  15

问题     New research finds that nearly 5,200 kids are treated in an emergency department each year after falling from a window. That’s 14 kids a day, according to a study published Monday.
    Typical hospital admission【S1】______for childhood injuries stand at 5% , but
25% of window-related injuries end requiring care in the hospital, for pretty obvious reasons: a fall from a window can be【S2】______.
    New York City landlords are required to【S3】______the guards, which resemble horizontal jail bars and cover the bottom half of a window to form a barrier that prevents kids from【S4】______out.
    Programs like Children Can’t Fly in New York and Kids Can’t Fly in Boston, which have raised public【S5】______about the need for window guards, especially in high-rise buildings, have helped contribute to dramatic【S6】______in the number of children falling out of windows in those cities.
    Parents can also use window stops to【S7】______children. Stops are screwed into the window frame and block the window from sliding too far upward.
    Parents should further limit children’s【S8】______to windows by moving dressers, beds and tables away from the openings; many kids fell through a window they accessed by climbing onto furniture. It’s also important to be【S9】______watchful when the weather is warm since that’s when windows tend to be open.
    And don’t make the mistake of thinking that a window screen【S10】______any protection. It found that screens did not prevent falls.
A) access I) install
B) account J) offers
C) anxiety K) particularly
D) awareness L) protect
E) crawling M) rates
P) deadly N) reductions
G) entirely O) slipping
H) injurious [br] 【S9】


答案 K

解析 空格位于形容词watchful之后,空格处缺少副词修饰形容词。此句意为:同样非常重要的是当天气暖和时要——警惕,因为这时候窗户通常是开着的。符合语法和语义要求的只有particularly“特别地”。entirely意为“完全地”,不符合句意。