[originaltext]W: I haven’t had much exercise lately. My only recreation has bee

游客2023-07-11  18

W: I haven’t had much exercise lately. My only recreation has been watching TV or going to the movies. What do you do for recreation?
M: In summer I like playing tennis instead of swimming and boating, and my favorite sport in the winter is skating.
Q: What is the man’s favorite sport in summer?
M: I’m sorry to have kept you waiting for such a long time. I didn’t think the meeting would be so long.
W: That’s all right, Dr, Green. I’ve got the data you required and a few reference books which I think may be useful to your representation at the conference.
Q: What’s purpose of the woman’s visit to the man?

选项 A、To remind him of the data he should take to the conference,
B、To see if he is ready for the coming conference.
C、To tell him something about the conference.
D、To help him prepare for the conference.

答案 D
