When your teacher told you to stop daydreaming and pay attention, she might

游客2023-07-10  6

问题     When your teacher told you to stop daydreaming and pay attention, she might actually have helped improve your mood as well as your school performance—if the findings of a new study on mind wandering are anything to go by.
    The research, published in Science, shows that a wandering mind—whether you’re fantasizing about your sunny honeymoon or reflecting on a terrible divorce—is linked to low mood.
    To study the relationship between mind wandering and happiness, Harvard doctoral student Matthew Killingsworth and psychology professor Daniel Gilbert created an iPhone app(应用程序)which contacted participants at random times during the day to ask about their mental state and their mood. The results showed that people’s minds wandered a lot. regardless of what they were doing. What’s more, people reported feeling less happy when their minds wandered than when they didn’t—even when the tasks at hand weren’t enjoyable.
    The direction in which the mind ran off was also found to be unrelated to the person’s current situation and didn’t lift his or her mood, even when tuinking about pleasant things. In other words, when people were doing fun things, their minds didn’t necessarily go to pleasant places, nor did people seem to be able to escape unpleasant tasks by drifting into a better mental spot. "When people are engaged in doing unenjoyable tasks, even when they’re thinking about pleasant things, it’s not having a positive impact.That’s surprising to me, " says Killingsworth.
    On the other hand, the study did find that negative mind wandering was associated with even more unhappiness. And, in general, the researchers found that what a person was thinking about was a better predictor of happiness than whatever he or she was doing in that moment.
    But that’s not to say that mind wandering is all bad: innovative ideas and insights often arise through free association. And being able to plan and strategize effectively requires a focus on the future, not the now. "There’s no doubt that this capacity is beneficial in a variety of ways and it’s certainly very possible that a lot of creative thinking involves mind wandering, " says Professor Gilbert. [br] What does Killingsworth say about mind wandering?

选项 A、Drifting into a better mental spot can help escape unpleasant tasks.
B、Where the mind runs off is decided by a person’s current situation.
C、Doing funny things can always result in pleasant mind wandering.
D、Pleasant mind wandering may not necessarily lead to better mood.

答案 D

解析 根据题干关键词Killingsworth say定位到第四段最后一句:“When people are engaged in doing unenjoyable tasks,even when they’re thinking about pleasant things,it’s not having a positive impact.That’s surprising to me,”says Killingsworth.“当人们在从事不令人感到愉悦的事情时,即使他们想到令人高兴的事情,也不会有积极影响,这一点让我感到吃惊, “Killingsworth说道。D)项是原文的同义转述,故为答案。