[originaltext] Who couldn’t do with a little extra money? Maybe you need to

游客2023-07-10  14

Who couldn’t do with a little extra money? Maybe you need to pay off a loan or perhaps you just want to save up for a holiday.(29)Whatever your reasons, these simple money-making schemes could make all the difference.
    The first scheme is to pose as a live model. You don’t have to be young or beautiful to pose for an art class. You just need to be able to sit still for a long time.
    The next one is to invigilate exams. Lots of schools and universities need outside invigilators, mostly in January or during the summer.
    The third one is to join a focus group. If you love expressing your opinions on anything from apple juice to a new TV ad, this might be just the thing for you.
    You can also take part in psychological research. It’s interesting work because it’s all about you. and involves things like simple memory tests or having brain scans while you talk.
    The fifth one is to be a mystery shopper.(31)These are people who are paid to go shopping, cat in restaurants or stay in hotels. All you have to do is write a report on how you were treated as a customer.
    The last way of making money was to let companies advertise on your car. If your travel a lot and you’ve got a nice car.it could have a starring role in an advertising campaign.
29. Q: What is the passage about?
30. Q: What do people do in a focus group ?
31. Q: What is a mystery shopper?

选项 A、Advertise for an upcoming campaign.
B、Make plans for your future career.
C、Introduce easy ways to make money.
D、Tell people how to save up for a holiday.

答案 C

解析 本题考查短文的主要内容,文章开头指出人们很可能需要点儿外快,或者为了还清贷款,或者为了度假。不管原因如何,这里介绍一些赚钱的简单方法,它会使一切变得不同。故选C)项。