[originaltext]W: Can you believe the bus driver just yelled at me like that? M

游客2023-07-10  62

W: Can you believe the bus driver just yelled at me like that?
M: And what did you think it would happen when you spill the coffee all over the floor?
Q:What does the man mean?
W: Why are you so late? I told you the movie started at seven, didn’t I?
M: Sorry, I got to talk with some people after class and before I know it, well, you can see what happened.
Q: What happened to the man?

选项 A、His class lasted longer than usual.
B、He got lost on the way to the movie.
C、He did not know what time the movie started.
D、He did not pay attention to the time.

答案 D

解析 女士问男士为什么来的这么晚,她告诉他电影七点开始了。男士表示抱歉说他课下和几个人聊了一会结果忘了时间,所以迟到了。可知,男士聊天时没有注意时间。