[originaltext]M: I don’t know what to do with Timmy. This morning I found orang

游客2023-07-10  12

M: I don’t know what to do with Timmy. This morning I found orange juice spilled all over the kitchen floor.
W: Don’t be so hard on him. He’s only four.
Q: What does the woman mean?
M: I think you ought to see a doctor right away about that cough.
W: Well, I’ll wait a few more days. I’m sure I’ll get over it soon.
Q: What do we learn about the woman?

选项 A、She is taking some medicine.
B、She has not seen a doctor yet.
C、She does not trust the man’s advice.
D、She has almost recovered from the cough.

答案 B

解析 对话中,男士说女士应该马上去看医生,而女士则说再等几天,她相信自己的咳嗽很快就会好起来的。由此可知,直到对话发生,女士都还没有去看医生,故答案为B)。