[originaltext]M: OK. Now we’d better make sure you enjoy your studies.(19)We of

游客2023-07-10  16

M: OK. Now we’d better make sure you enjoy your studies.(19)We offer a wide range of options on the foundation course, but you can only take five courses. What have you selected?
W: Physical sciences, basic electronics, art and design CAD...
M: Oh, right. CAD and English. That’s quite strange. Don’t you want to do maths, or computer programming, for example?(20)Why did you choose art and design?
W: Well,(20)I’m interested in electronics and in writing computer games. I’d like to produce educational software and educational games. I’ve taught myself a lot of programming. So I don’t think I’d benefit much from a foundation level course.
M: Oh, no, I see that. Go on, please.
W: So, I want the basics—the physical science and electronics. I was hopeless at physics in school and we didn’t have electronics. But I was good at maths. I don’t think I need that.
M: Then what about the art and design?
W: That will be good for my graphics—I need that to produce games, and CAD too—I’ve never done CAD before.
M: Right. They’ve got some powerful packages in the computer graphics and CAD offices. You’ll enjoy that. Then English.(21)I know your English is very good, but why did you take it?
W:(21)In fact I don’t have any problem in speaking, but my writing is terrible.
M: Then I suggest you join the study skills class. They’ll have lectures on report writing and that may help you with how to structure your essays and so on.
W: Right. That sounds good.
19.Q: What are the two speakers talking about?
20.Q: What is the woman’s favorite course?
21.Q: Why did the woman take an English course?

选项 A、Her English is very good.
B、She is interested in English.
C、Her English writing is poor.
D、Her oral English is bad.

答案 C

解析 男士说女士的英语很好,为何选择英语这门课,女士回答说自己英语口语没问题,但书面英语比较差,故答案为C)。