For those of us lucky enough to always have enough food and water, it may be
For those of us lucky enough to always have enough food and water, it may be
For those of us lucky enough to always have enough food and water, it may be hard to imagine living through a drought. A drought occurs for a (26)______of reasons, usually including a lack of(27)______and warm temperatures. Soil moisture seriously(28)______. Why and how do these climate events occur?
As air spins around the earth, it rises and sinks over different areas of the(29)______. When air rises it cools and loses moisture. When air sinks, it grows warmer and(30)______moisture, drying out the land. Sinking air helps to form(31)______, such as the Sahara Desert in Africa. Warm,(32)______air can slow down cloud formation, which results in less rain and(33)______overall moisture.(34)______. The Dust Bowl that affected the plain regions of the United States was one well-known drought. An equally severe drought occurred in the United States in the summer of 1988. Rainfall over the mid-west, Northern Plains, and the Rockies was fifty to eighty-five percent below normal.
(35)______. When a drought hits, there’s little that can be done to end it.(36)______. [br] (34)
For those of us lucky enough to always have enough food and water, it may be hard to imagine living through a drought. A drought occurs for a(26)variety of reasons, usually including a lack of(27)rainfall and warm temperatures. Soil moisture seriously(28)reduces. Why and how do these climate events occur?
As air spins around the earth, it rises and sinks over different areas of the(29)globe. When air rises it cools and loses moisture. When air sinks, it grows warmer and(30)absorbs moisture, drying out the land. Sinking air helps to form(31)deserts, such as the Sahara Desert in Africa. Warm,(32)sinking air can slow down cloud formation, which results in less rain and(33)lower overall moisture.(34)When these conditions occur in an area that normally receives enough rain to allow plants to grow and keep water sources refilled, a drought can follow. The Dust Bowl that affected the plain regions of the United States was one well-known drought. An equally severe drought occurred in the United States in the summer of 1988. Rainfall over the mid-west, Northern Plains, and the Rockies was fifty to eighty-five percent below normal.
Sometimes over-farming and soil erosion contribute to drought, but there are also natural disasters that can occur even when soil is carefully preserved. When a drought hits, there’s little that can be done to end it.(36)Water and soil conservation can help, but until the rains come again there’s not much science can do.
When these conditions occur in an area that normally receives enough rain to allow plants to grow and keep water sources refilled, a drought can follow
水运工程混凝土中粗骨料最大粒径应满足下列要求()。A.不大于80mm B
下列证券组合中,通常投资于市政债券的是()。A.避税型证券组合 B.收入型证
“红灯停,绿灯行”、“一看二慢三通过”等口号的宣扬运用了宣传手法的( )技巧。
下列选项中,不属于失业保险待遇取得条件的是( )。A、劳动者非自愿失业 B、失