"Innovative" does not necessarily mean radical or expensive, nor do the best

游客2023-07-07  9

问题     "Innovative" does not necessarily mean radical or expensive, nor do the best ideas come from the top. A woman on the shop floor at Ford suggested putting symbols of different engine parts so that drivers would not need a manual to do something simple, such as check the oil. It proved so popular it is now common practice.
    Ford’s open policy towards employees’ ideas "generates tens of thousands of e-mails a month", according to Ed Sketch, the director of training and development in America and Europe. The company has even employed people to sift through them. Money-saving brainwaves are rewarded with big bonuses or a new car.
    Companies might want to recruit innovative thinkers, but do they really want nonconformists on board? Peer Granger, the head of Insight Training, which runs innovation workshops for companies, believes that the risk of not having them on board is greater. "It’s not like the old days, where companies could churn out the same old product year after year and customers would buy them. If companies don’t innovate, they die. Just look at the high street. And almost by definition, you have to be difficult in order to innovate because it is about challenging the status quo."
    The problem is that innovators are usually seen as trouble-makers and are often the first people to go if a company is downsizing. There’s such a blame culture that people are scared to step outside the norms. In our workshops we show people the value of breaking rules."
    However, Granger thinks that difficult, innovative people would crumble without their conformist colleagues. "Crikey, you need the other people to say, ’Hang on, maybe this isn’t a good idea’, which can save you a lot of hassle later. And turning an idea into reality may involve office politics, which difficult people may not be good at." [br] The example of the woman whose suggestion was popular indicates that______.

选项 A、everything that is beneficial to people can be said to be innovative
B、even the common people can put forward an innovative suggestion
C、people are easy to accept new things that are helpful to them
D、the ideas from the top sometimes are not as good as those from ordinary people

答案 B

解析 根据题干中的example of the woman将本题出处定位于第1段。文章第1段首先指出innovative并不一定要radical or expensive,好的ideas也不一定只来自于上层人物。紧接着举例支持这一说法。福特公司的a woman on the shop floor提出了广受欢迎的建议,说明了即使是common people也可以提出具有创新性的建议,B)表述的正是此意,故为答案。