[originaltext]M: I have been running the sports ground every morning for nearly

游客2023-07-07  16

M: I have been running the sports ground every morning for nearly a month. But the scale shows no hints of losing weight. I wonder if it is worth it.
W: You see, usually it seems very hard when you are starting out. It may work one month later.
Q: What does the woman mean?
M: How many rooms do you want in a house?
W: Well, to begin with, one bedroom for each of the children and one for us. And I want a bathroom, a big kitchen and a living room with lots of sunlight in it. Yes, altogether seven rooms.
Q: How many children do they have?

选项 A、One.

答案 C

解析 本题询问他们有几个孩子。对话中女士说需要七个房间:一间是他们夫妻俩的卧室,一间厨房,一间浴室,一间起居室,这样还剩三间,每个孩子一人一间,即他们有三个孩子,故答案为C)。