When was the last time you flashed a fake smile at the office? For some, it

游客2023-07-06  16

问题     When was the last time you flashed a fake smile at the office? For some, it may be just another mundane(乏味的)aspect of work life—putting on a game face to hide your inner unhappiness. But new research suggests that it may have unexpected【C1】______: worsening your own mood and【C2】______you to withdraw from the tasks at hand.
    In a study, scientists tracked a group of bus drivers for two weeks, focusing on them because their jobs require【C3】______, and generally courteous, interactions with many people. The scientists examined what happened when the drivers【C4】______in fake smiling, known as "surface acting", and its opposite, "deep acting", where they generated【C5】______smiles through positive thoughts, said an author of the study, Brent Scott, an assistant professor of management at Michigan State University.
    After following the drivers closely, the researchers found that when the smiles were forced, the subjects’ moods deteriorated and they【C6】______to withdraw from work. The fact of trying to【C7】______negative thoughts, it turns out, may have made those thoughts even more【C8】______But when the subjects tried to【C9】______smiles through deeper efforts—by actually cultivating pleasant thoughts and memories—their overall moods improved and their productivity increased.
    Women were affected more than men. Dr. Scott suspected cultural norms might be at play: women are more【C10】______expressive in social intercourse, he said, so hiding emotions may create more strain. Research suggests that an inauthentic smile to hide unhappiness can further worsen your mood.
A)attractions F)contribution K)persistent
B)authentic G)display L)retreat
C)causing H)emotionally M)stable
D)completely I)engaged N)suppress
E)consequences J)frequent O)tended [br] 【C3】


答案 J

解析 形容词辨析题。空格前为动词require,空格后为副词修饰形容词,并且用逗号隔开,说明这里缺少一个形容词和courteous一起修饰interactions。本句意为“之所以关注他们,是因为他们的工作需要——与许多人打交道,而且通常情况下,需要非常礼貌地和人打交道”。根据公交车司机的工作性质可以推断,frequent“时常发生的,频繁的”符合句意。