When your family wants to buy or replace a car, a television, or a washing m
When your family wants to buy or replace a car, a television, or a washing m
When your family wants to buy or replace a car, a television, or a washing machine, you find the money either from savings or by borrowing from the bank, a hire-purchase company or perhaps a friend. Similarly, a family buying a house for the first time commonly borrows from a building society(房屋互助协会). If you own a private business, a garage, a shop, or a farm, you will need, from time to time, to buy new equipment, new furnishings, or, if you are doing well, new premises(房屋)so that you can expand. Some of the cost you can meet from the profits you have kept in the business, but often you will need help. You will go to your bank, to a finance house, or perhaps to a relative or friend for finance provided from his savings. When you borrow money or raise money in this way you pay it back out of future profits.
Many large businesses, however, need cash for new developments or expansion far in excess of what can be provided from their profits or from private sources of capital. A new factory can cost millions of pounds to construct and bring into production; a new design of car or brand of medicine likewise can cost millions of pounds to design, develop, test and market before it reaches the stage where it earns a profit. Often these costs can be met from profits earned in other parts of the business or from reserves built up from profits earned in past years. Sometimes, however, it is necessary, and often it may be more advantageous, to raise new money from other sources.
There can be little prospect of raising the sort of sums needed by major businesses from friends or acquaintances, and generally the banks are reluctant to provide sufficient cash on a permanent basis for long-term projects, though they will provide short-term finance. Such companies can sometimes only raise the money they need to stay in the front of industry, develop new products and buy raw materials by turning to the public at large and inviting it to lend them cash or take a share in the business in exchange for a share in future profits. This they can do by offering shares in the business or loan capital through stock exchange(证券交易所). [br] According to the second paragraph, many large businesses______.
A、spend a long time designing a new brand
B、make a quick profit from the automobile or medical industry
C、need a lot of money to develop and expand
D、pay little attention to the testing and marketing
下列哪项不是法定保健食品功能()A.调节免疫 B.促进消化 C.增高增智
市场细分的作用不包括( )。A.有利于选择目标市场和制定营销策略 B.有利
银行车贷年限最长不超过()年。A.3 B.5 C.8 D.1
运输企业对顾客的各种要求能否及时满足,表明( )。 A.企业的服务导向
动态交通组织与管理中,行人组织包括的内容是()。A.人行空间 B.停车系
要牢牢抓住历史机遇,把加快发展先进制造业作为战略性任务,推动制造业从( )的战