[originaltext]W: Wasn ’t Carl supposed to give a speech tonight? M: Yes, but h

游客2023-07-06  11

W: Wasn ’t Carl supposed to give a speech tonight?
M: Yes, but he backed out at the last minute.
Q: What do we learn about Carl?
W: I’m thinking of taking five courses next semester.
M: Wouldn’ t four be wiser?
Q: What does the man mean?

选项 A、There are too many courses offered to students.
B、The woman should take fewer courses next term.
C、The man will take four courses next semester.
D、It is wiser to take more than four courses.

答案 B

解析 综合推断题。女子说下学期想修五门课,而男子则说修四门更明智些吧?可见,男子建议女子下学期少修些课程,因此B项正确。