[originaltext]W: Wasn ’t Carl supposed to give a speech tonight? M: Yes, but h

游客2023-07-06  11

W: Wasn ’t Carl supposed to give a speech tonight?
M: Yes, but he backed out at the last minute.
Q: What do we learn about Carl?
M: You were seen hanging about the store on the night when it was robbed, weren ’t you?
W: Me? You must have made a mistake. I was at home that night.
Q: What are they talking about?

选项 A、A mystery story.
B、The hiring of a shop assistant.
C、The search for a reliable witness.
D、An unsolved case of robbery.

答案 D

解析 综合推断题。男子说有人看见女子在劫案发生时在商店周围打转,女子说那天晚上她在家里。可知,女子被怀疑涉嫌一桩抢劫案,还没抓到嫌疑人。因此可知D项正确,一桩未告破的抢劫案。