约翰与帕特里克•克里森(Patrick Collison)创建在线支付公司Stripe时,有一个雄心勃勃的目标。那就是帮助全球所有商家与全球所有买家轻松

游客2023-07-06  20

问题     约翰与帕特里克•克里森(Patrick Collison)创建在线支付公司Stripe时,有一个雄心勃勃的目标。那就是帮助全球所有商家与全球所有买家轻松完成交易。本周二,Stripe在其服务中加入了支付宝账户付款这个选项,朝着实现这个愿景迈出了‘一大步。该举措将使几亿中国网民能与几千家使用Stripe的商家做生意,也将帮助Stripe与贝宝(PayPal)的在线支付平台Braintree展开竞争。


答案     When John and Patrick Collison founded the online payment company Stripe, they had an ambitious goal. It is to make it easy for all the sellers and buyers in the world to do business. This Tuesday, Stripe took a big step toward that goal by integrating Alipay into its services. This move will allow hundreds of millions of Chinese Internet users to do business with thousands of merchants who use Stripe. It will also help Stripe in the competition with PayPal’s online payment platform Braintree.

解析     1.“创建”:译为found。其过去式和过去分词均为founded。
    2.“全球所有商家与全球所有买家”:译为all thesellers and buyers in the world。汉语多重复,译为英语时可省掉重复的部分,如本句中两次出现的“全球所有”。
    3.“在A中加入B”:可译为integrate B into A。如:The committee integrated some of the suggestions into itsplan.意为“该委员会将部分建议纳入了它的计划。”
    4.“几亿”:译为hundreds of millions。